Antibiotics save lives, but bacterial resistance to antibiotics is on the rise. There are concerns that antibiotics may soon loose their ability to cure. Find out the important facts about antibiotics, getting better without antibiotics and when antibiotics are...
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today. View more information in this downloadable pdf on World Antibiotic Awareness Week to increase awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance and encourage best practices to avoid further...
To ensure that the laboratory will be able to get the most accurate results from your urine sample, it is important to follow the specific instructions that can be found in this downloadable pdf. Urine Specimen Collection View...
In this downloadable pdf you will find an overview of the Mantoux TB Skin Test; what it is, when the test is necessary, who can have the test done, how to prepare for the test, how the test is interpreted, as well as other TB diagnostic tests. TB Test View...