Lymphocytosis refers to an increase of peripheral blood lymphocytes, which for adults is defined as an absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) > 4.0 x 109 /L. Lymphocytes generally constitute 8-33% of white blood cell count (WBC) in peripheral blood. The normal number and...
D-Dimer (UG/ML) Change of Method and specimen requirement
The D-Dimer test will be offered on the MINI VIDAS ®.The report will state on which instrument the D-Dimer test result was obtained. On the Mini Vidas ® the test is an automated quantitative test for the immune-enzymatic determination of fibrin degradation products in...
D-Dimer (NG/ML) Change of Method and specimen requirement
The D-Dimer test will be offered on the MINI VIDAS ®.The report will state on which instrument the D-Dimer test result was obtained. On the Mini Vidas ® the test is an automated quantitative test for the immune-enzymatic determination of fibrin degradation products in...
Flow cytometry for accurate detection and quantitation of fetal maternal haemorrhage
Transplacental or fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH) may occur during pregnancy or at delivery and lead to immunisation to the D antigen if the mother is D negative and the baby D positive. This can result in haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDN) in subsequent...
Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Adults
Iron is an intriguing nutrient with many paradoxical characteristics. it is the most abundant element on our planet and yet it is hard for living organisms to access due to its very low solubility. Its ability to switch easily between the ferric and...
ESR on the iSED
Alternate or modified Westergren methods to measure erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) have been adopted by laboratories worldwide. These methods offer reduction in analysis time and improved operator safety. The iSED Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate...
Diagnosis of B12 and Folate Deficiency
Vitamin B12 and folate are vitamins required for normal haematopoiesis and neurologic function. They are often considered together, although folate deficiency has become exceedingly rare in individuals who are living in developed countries and...
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
TTP is a relatively uncommon condition characterized by die formation of platelet-rich thrombi in the arteriioles and capillaries with widespread multi organ thrombosis. It is a clinical diagnosis and a MEDICAL EMERGENCY! In the South African Setting,...
The use of the Platelet Analyser (PFA-200) in the investigation of platelet disorders. Global platelet function tests are useful in the investigation of individuals with a pathological bleeding tendency or who are on anti-platelet therapy. As global tests...
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