The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in respiratory specimens is an essential tool in screening and diagnosing COVID-191. Clinical virology laboratories often make use of a diverse repertoire of testing platforms with varying...
Infectious Diseases
Laboratory investigations after occupational or non-occupational exposure to HIV and other blood borne pathogens
Southern Africa has a very high background prevalence of HIV infection, making exposure risk both inside and outside the occupational setting high. The approach to occupational, sexual and other forms of exposure (bites, assaults, trauma, injecting drug...
Bacterial Meningitis Multiplex PCR
Bacterial Meningitis Multiplex PCR PathCare is introducing a multiplex PCR test for the detection of the 5 most common bacterial causes of meningitis in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b,...
Rhino & Enteroviruses
Rhino & Enteroviruses The genetic similarities between rhinoviruses and enteroviruses may lead to cross amplification in molecular assays.Apositive outcome for these targetsonthe current multiplex assay (BioFire) in use in our laboratorymay...
Cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and stroke) is the leading cause of death in developed countries. Influenza
The Urine TB LAM Assay
Key global priorities for tuberculosis (TB) care and control include improving case detection and detecting cases earlier. Read more about the Urine TB LAM Assay test in this downloadable pdf. The Urine TB LAM Assay
Serum Glucan test
Candida is reported as the fourth most common group of pathogens isolated from blood amongst hospitalised patients. Find out more about the Serum Glucan test in this downloadable pdf. Serum Glucan test
South Africa carries a heavy influenza burden with more than 12 000 deaths each year due to influenza associated severe acute respitory illnesses. Find out about the most effective strategy to prevent influenza in this downloadable pdf. Influenza
Antibiotics: What patients should know
Antibiotics save lives, but bacterial resistance to antibiotics is on the rise. There are concerns that antibiotics may soon loose their ability to cure. Find out the important facts about antibiotics, getting better without antibiotics and when antibiotics are...
Antibiotic Awareness Week
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today. View more information in this downloadable pdf on World Antibiotic Awareness Week to increase awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance and encourage best practices to avoid further...
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