PathCare offers two NIPS products: TriScreen and PanoramaNon-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS) / Testing (NIPT)
Obstetric and Neonatal care
Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Analysis
Cord blood gas analysis is considered the gold standard for the determination of intrapartum foetal hypoxia. It provides an objective retrospective method for continuous quality improvement in the management of foetal acid-base abnormalities. It is also sensible to...
Flow cytometry for accurate detection and quantitation of fetal maternal haemorrhage
Transplacental or fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH) may occur during pregnancy or at delivery and lead to immunisation to the D antigen if the mother is D negative and the baby D positive. This can result in haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDN) in subsequent...
Hepatitis B and Pregnancy
Acute Viral Hepatitis is the most common cause of jaundice in pregnancy. HBV infection during pregnancy is usually mild, not associated with increased mortality or teratogenicity, and should not prompt consideration of termination. Acute HBV infection...
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