Lymphocytosis refers to an increase of peripheral blood lymphocytes, which for adults is defined as an absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) > 4.0 x 109 /L. Lymphocytes generally constitute 8-33% of white blood cell count (WBC) in peripheral blood. The normal number and...
Knowledge Hub
Platform change for urine cortisol analysis
Please take note of the platform change for 24 hour urine cortisol analysis.This test will now be performed on the Abbott Architect immunoassay platform and will result in a change in reference interval to: 24 hr urine cortisol reference interval: 11.8 - 485.6...
Non-payment for syndromic PCR testing (BioFire FilmArray)
We write to you to keep you informed of developments within the medial scheme industry that affect the funding of some tests, specifically BioFire, used for diagnosis in acute respiratory diseases, suspected meningitis/encephalitis and diarrhoeal disease for the rapid...
D-Dimer (UG/ML) Change of Method and specimen requirement
The D-Dimer test will be offered on the MINI VIDAS ®.The report will state on which instrument the D-Dimer test result was obtained. On the Mini Vidas ® the test is an automated quantitative test for the immune-enzymatic determination of fibrin degradation products in...
D-Dimer (NG/ML) Change of Method and specimen requirement
The D-Dimer test will be offered on the MINI VIDAS ®.The report will state on which instrument the D-Dimer test result was obtained. On the Mini Vidas ® the test is an automated quantitative test for the immune-enzymatic determination of fibrin degradation products in...
Flow cytometry for accurate detection and quantitation of fetal maternal haemorrhage
Transplacental or fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH) may occur during pregnancy or at delivery and lead to immunisation to the D antigen if the mother is D negative and the baby D positive. This can result in haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDN) in subsequent...
Diagnostic Testing for Autoimmune Liver Diseases
The autoimmune liver diseases include the triad of Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH), Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). These conditions represent perhaps only 5% of all liver diseases, although the true prevalence in South-Africa is...
Porphyria Testing Update
The porphyrias arise from enzyme defects in the haem biosynthetic pathway. Accumulation of the precursors (ALA and PBG) lead to acute neurovisceral attacks, marked by severe abdominal pain and autonomic neuropathy, which may progress to a potentially fatal motor...
Update on Laboratory testing of Ophthalmology Samples
Key considerations:A key issue is the small volume of sample that is available. It is not feasible to perform all tests on all samples whilst maintaining optimum sensitivity.Therefore, it is the clinician's responsibility to prioritise testing for each...
Eastern Cape respiratory surveillance data
Below we present the PathCare susceptibility data for common community-acquired respiratory tract organisms isolated from lower respiratory tract samples of patients in the Eastern Cape during 2018. As this data reflects the susceptibility of all isolates,...
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