The use of the Platelet Analyser (PFA-200) in the investigation of platelet disorders. Global platelet function tests are useful in the investigation of individuals with a pathological bleeding tendency or who are on anti-platelet therapy. As global tests...
Knowledge Hub
New Meningitis / Encephalitis PCR test
PathCare is introducing a new Meningitis/Encephalitis Multiplexed PCR test with an expanded organism profile and reduced turn-around time. This new PCR test is able to detect 14 potential central nervous system (CNS) pathogens will replace the current...
CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) TESTING UPDATE The diagnosis of CF is made in individuals with one or more clinical features of CF who have either an elevated sweat chloride concentration on two or more occasions or have CF-causing mutations in the CFTR...
Bacterial Meningitis Multiplex PCR
Bacterial Meningitis Multiplex PCR PathCare is introducing a multiplex PCR test for the detection of the 5 most common bacterial causes of meningitis in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b,...
Rhino & Enteroviruses
Rhino & Enteroviruses The genetic similarities between rhinoviruses and enteroviruses may lead to cross amplification in molecular assays.Apositive outcome for these targetsonthe current multiplex assay (BioFire) in use in our laboratorymay...
Respiratory Tract Infection
Respiratory Tract Infections The causes of respiratory tract infection (RTI) are diverse and may be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature, or a combination of these. To assist with the identification of the causative agents of respiratory tract...
Cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and stroke) is the leading cause of death in developed countries. Influenza
Thyroid Function Test Changes
This downloadable pdf provides an overview of changes on PathCare reference ranges for Thyroid function tests. Thyroid Function Test Change
The Urine TB LAM Assay
Key global priorities for tuberculosis (TB) care and control include improving case detection and detecting cases earlier. Read more about the Urine TB LAM Assay test in this downloadable pdf. The Urine TB LAM Assay
Serum Free Light Chains
Learn more about how Serum Free Light Chains (s-FLC) testing now forms an integral part of the management of Myeloma in this downloadable pdf. Serum Free Light Chains
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