Candida is reported as the fourth most common group of pathogens isolated from blood amongst hospitalised patients. Find out more about the Serum Glucan test in this downloadable pdf. Serum Glucan test
Knowledge Hub
Measles outbreak
Read more on what measles is, the clinical features of measles, how infection is acquired, what specimens should be submitted, complications as well as treatment in this downloadable pdf. Measles outbreak
Lupus anticoagulant in antiphospholipid syndrome
Learn more about the definition, diagnoses, testing and reporting of Lupus anticoagulant in antiphospholipid syndrome in this downloadable pdf. Lupus anticoagulant in antiphospholipid syndrome
Iodine Allergy: A Medical Myth
The term 'iodine allergy' is frequently used, and usually refers to a history of an allergic reaction to seafood or iodinated radiological contrast media, or to a contact allergy to povidone-iodine antiseptic preparations. Find out more about why this is a medical...
Human Papilloma Virus – High Risk Types
Read more about high-risk DNA typing and mRNA E6/E7 testing in this downloadable pdf, now offered by PathCare. Human Papilloma Virus - High Risk Types
South Africa carries a heavy influenza burden with more than 12 000 deaths each year due to influenza associated severe acute respitory illnesses. Find out about the most effective strategy to prevent influenza in this downloadable pdf. Influenza
CSF analyses in acute bacterial meningitis
Find out more information on the examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is crucial in establishing the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis, in this downloadable pdf. CSF analyses in acute bacterial meningitis
Cystic Fibrosis
The sweat test is considered the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of the classical form of CF. The diagnosis of CF is confirmed by two or more positive sweat test results on separate occasions in a patient with suggestive clinical features. Find out more in this...
CKD- EPI Formula
The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) study group developed this formula in 2009, find out more about what the formula is, drug dosing and its limitations in this downloadable pdf. CKD - EPI Formula PDF
Cervical Screening Recommendations
In this downloadable pdf you can find Cervical Screening Recommendations adopted from ACS, AGOG, ASCCP updated guidelines 2013. For the complete ASCCP updated Consensus Guidelines on Management of Women with Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening tests go to:...
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