PathCare offers a Meningitis/Encephalitis Multiplexed PCR test with an expanded organism profile and reduced turn-around time, detecting 14 potential central nervous system (CNS) pathogens. The ME Panel is able to detect and identify multiple bacterial,...
New Meningitis / Encephalitis PCR test
PathCare is introducing a new Meningitis/Encephalitis Multiplexed PCR test with an expanded organism profile and reduced turn-around time. This new PCR test is able to detect 14 potential central nervous system (CNS) pathogens will replace the current...
Rhino & Enteroviruses
Rhino & Enteroviruses The genetic similarities between rhinoviruses and enteroviruses may lead to cross amplification in molecular assays.Apositive outcome for these targetsonthe current multiplex assay (BioFire) in use in our laboratorymay...
Cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and stroke) is the leading cause of death in developed countries. Influenza
Measles outbreak
Read more on what measles is, the clinical features of measles, how infection is acquired, what specimens should be submitted, complications as well as treatment in this downloadable pdf. Measles outbreak
Human Papilloma Virus – High Risk Types
Read more about high-risk DNA typing and mRNA E6/E7 testing in this downloadable pdf, now offered by PathCare. Human Papilloma Virus - High Risk Types
South Africa carries a heavy influenza burden with more than 12 000 deaths each year due to influenza associated severe acute respitory illnesses. Find out about the most effective strategy to prevent influenza in this downloadable pdf. Influenza
Cervical Screening Recommendations
In this downloadable pdf you can find Cervical Screening Recommendations adopted from ACS, AGOG, ASCCP updated guidelines 2013. For the complete ASCCP updated Consensus Guidelines on Management of Women with Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening tests go to:...
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