PathCare has recently set up an efficient send away service for neuropathology molecular requests. This is to improve our test menu for this rapidly growing and specialised field as well as to improve the turn around time of tests such as MGMT promoter methylation.
A brief description of the current test menu and their cost:
MGMT promoter methylation
MGMT is an enzyme that is responsible for DNA repair following alkylating-agent chemotherapy. In the course of tumour development, the MGMT gene may be silenced by methylation of its promoter, thereby preventing repair of DNA damage and increasing the potential effectiveness of alkylating agent chemotherapy (temozolomide). In a large randomized trial comparing radiation alone with radiation plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide, the two-year overall survival for patients treated with combined radiation and chemotherapy was 49 percent for those with MGMT-methylated tumours and 15 percent for those with unmethylated tumours; moreover, those with a methylated MGMT promotor derived a greater degree of benefit from the addition of temozolomide to radiation than those with an unmethylated promotor.
Multiple clinical studies have confirmed that MGMT promoter methylation is prognostic of improved survival, independent of established clinical factors. In a meta-analysis of 11 studies examining the prognostic value of MGMT promotor status, a methylated MGMT promotor was associated with an improvement in both progression-free survival and overall survival.
PathCare Send Away Service to Molecular Neuropathology Division