Prof Colleen Bamford

Prof Colleen Bamford is originally from Port Elizabeth and studied medicine at the University of Cape Town (UCT).
Subsequently she worked as a medical officer in Durban for a number of years before returning to UCT to specialise in medical microbiology, graduating in 2005.
Since then Colleen has been employed by the National Health Laboratory Service initially at Tygerberg Hospital and latterly at Groote Schuur Hospital.
She has a broad range of interests in clinical microbiology, including the management of infections due to multi-drug resistant organisms, the rational use of diagnostic tests and antimicrobial stewardship. She is an honorary associate professor in the Division of Medical Microbiology, UCT.
East London, Albany Street
30A Albany Street
North End
East London
East London, Gonubie
Intercare Medical and Dental Centre,
Shop 45, Kings Mall,
Cnr Main Road and Gulls Way,
East London
East London, Life Beacon Bay Hospital
Life Beacon Bay Hospital,
1st Floor, Medical Suites,
32 Quenera Drive,
Beacon Bay,
East London
East London, St Marks Road
45 St Marks Road,
East London