Dr Debbie Jafta
Dr Jafta completed her undergraduate medical studies at the University of the Free State in 2000. In 2008 she obtained her MMed (Haematology) at the University of the Free State. She also obtained a diploma in transfusion medicine in 2010 at the University of the Free State.
After qualifying as a hematologist in 2008, she worked at the Department of Haematology and Cell Biology at the Universitas Hospital Academic Laboratories and the University of the Free State. There she worked as a consultant haematologist and senior lecturer until 2014.
In August 2014 she worked in Bloemfontein in private pathology until 2016. She relocated to Cape Town where she worked at the Department of Haematology at Tygerberg hospital as well as a lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch. In December 2017 she joined Ampath in private pathology until June 2020. She has now joined the PathCare team in Bloemfontein.
Her interests include laboratory haematology, morphology and haemostasis.
Bloemfontein, Mediclinic Bloemfontein Hospital
Mediclinic Bloemfontein Hospital,
Ground Floor, Cnr Kellner Street and Parfitt Avenue,
Free State