Dr Philip Hendrik Fortgens

BSc (University of Natal), MSc in Biochemistry University of Natal, PhD in Biochemistry University of Natal, MBBCh University of the Witwatersrand, MMed (Chemical Pathology) University of Cape Town, Chemical PathologistChemical Pathology

Dr Phillip Fortgens joined PathCare as a chemical pathologist in January 2017.
He studied at University of Natal where he emerged with a PhD in biochemistry in 1997. A month after submitting his PhD he commenced his medical studies at the University of the Witwatersrand which he completed in 2001.
Following his internship in East London, community service in Johannesburg and 6 months as a medical officer in paediatrics, Philip moved his young family to Gibraltar. He worked in a hospital Accident and Emergency unit for 4½ years.
In January 2009 Philip began specialising in chemical pathology at the University of Cape Town.
After completing his college exams in 2012, he was employed jointly by the National Health Laboratory Service and the University of Cape Town as a consultant chemical pathologist. During this time, he played a role in providing the chemical pathology service to Groote Schuur hospital and its surrounds, with a special focus on endocrinology, as well as contributing to teaching and research.

Milnerton, Mediclinic Milnerton Hospital

Mediclinic Milnerton Hospital,
Room 59,
Cnr Koeberg Road and Racecource Road,
Cape Town,
Western Cape

Milnerton, Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital

PathCare, Drs Dietrich, Voigt, Mia and Partners, Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital 2nd Floor, Room B2-2, Waterville Crescent, Sunningdale, Milnerton, Cape Town, Western Cape