Dr Ronald Dalmacio

Ronald is originally from East London. He completed his undergraduate medicine degree at Stellenbosch University. His clinical experience included internship at Addington hospital in Durban, Community service in Worcester CDC, and time as a medical officer at Kensington CDC in Cape town.
He trained in Chemical Pathology at the National Health Laboratory Service based at Groote Schuur hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s hospital. His MMED was completed through the Chemical Pathology division at the University of Cape Town.
Ronald’s special interests include inherited metabolic disease, laboratory quality management and teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha, Life St George’s Hospital
Life St George's Hospital
Ground Floor, 40A Park Drive
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha, Life Mercantile Hospital
Life Mercantile Hospital
Suite 240, 2nd Floor
Cnr Kempston and Durban Road
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha
Cuyler Place
38A Cuyler Street
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha, Netcare Greenacres Hospital
Netcare Greenacres Hospital
2nd Floor, Room 205
Cnr Cape and Rochelle Road
Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha