Dr Ziphozonke Mafika


Zipho is originally from a small rural town of Cofimvaba 79 km east of Queenstown within the Eastern Cape. He studied medicine at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein and subsequently did his internship and community service years in Port Elizabeth and Potchefstroom respectively. He subsequently worked as a private GP in Soweto in Johannesburg for two years before taking up a post as a Registrar with the University of the Witwatersrand to specialize in Haematology.
He graduated in 2014 and had been employed by the National Health Laboratory Service at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and later Frere Hospital.
His interests in Haematology includes Bleeding Diathesis to Haematological Malignancies both in adults and paediatrics.

East London, Albany Street

30A Albany Street
North End
East London