Pathcare Research Committee
To establish and support a culture of research at PathCarePurpose
The Pathology Research Committee (PRC) is a subcommittee of the Board, and acts to secure the integrity of research done at PathCare. This includes operational research, evaluating best practice, research linked to educational programmes or degrees, research aimed at publications and research/innovations with a view to new developments and/or products. The committee facilitates and enables research by providing an easy to use structure to register projects, update progress reports and to link investigators to resources that can support their work.
Guidelines to do research on the PathCare platform (download document)
Committee Members
- Dr K Hoek (chair)
- Dr R Soldin
- Dr M Olivier
- Dr Bongani Mhemedi
- Dr Karen Mostert
- Prof Nickie Goedhals
- Ms Miekie Treurnicht
Register your project
PathCare supports research on its platform that adds value to our role in patient management as part of the healthcare team.
The following documents should be submitted via the secretariat to register projects with the PRC:
- Checklist for registration of project (download document)
- Research proposal
- Signed declarations where relevant (confidentiality agreement, conflict of interest, intellectual property) (download document)
- Proof of approval by a registered ethics committee
- Signed approval of the manager in charge of the section where the research will take place, in order to guarantee that we can meet your expectations (download document)
- All researchers not employed by PathCare should sign a non-disclosure agreement (download here)
Information regarding additional funding for projects
In order to facilitate the execution of registered research projects, the Pathcare Research Committee can consider applications for amounts up to R15 000.
This funds can be used for additional laboratory tests, statistical analysis or publication fees. All applications will be evaluated on merit, within the restrictions of our annual budget.
Application for seed funding PRC: Download Form
Research Output for 2022
PathCare Staff that have contributed to research publications is listed below:
PathCare Authors
Ashlin Rampul
Journal & Citation
International federation of Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, South Korea, 25 – 26 June 2022
Total Laboratory Testing vs Point of Care Testing
Type of publication and role
Conference Presentation
Izak Loftus
Encyclopaedia of forensic sciences, Third Edition
General Principles and Analysis of Mechanical Trauma
Book Chapter
Colleen Bamford
Kim Hoek
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Vol. 29, No. 2, February 2023
Research Article
Dominique Goedhals
Sabeehah Vawda
Journal of Virus Eradication 9 (2023) 100317
Narrative Article
Dominique Goedhals
Archives of Virology (2022) 167:1175–1179
Research Article
Dominique Goedhals
Research Article
Dominique Goedhals
Nature | Vol 603 | 24 March 2022
Research Article
Jacqueline Goedhals
Gerhard van der Westhuizen
SA Journal of Oncology ISSN: (Online) 2523-0646,
(Print) 2518-8704
Succinate dehydrogenase-deficient renal cell carcinoma: A retrospective study, 1999 – 2018
Research Article
Bheki Masango
The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science & Technology South Africa. 2023;5:24-30
Evaluation of the simplified Carbapenem Inactivation method
(sCIM) for detection of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacilli
Research Article
Hue-Tsi (Tony) Wu
SASGO Congress 2023
Specimen grossing and fixation, from materials to margins
Conference Presentation
Dominique Goedhals
A. Sing (ed.), Zoonoses: Infections Affecting Humans and Animals
Book Chapter
Dominique Goedhals
J Med Virol. 2023;95:e29154
Ashlin Rampul
MedLab Africa
Troponin I in the emergency room and “beyond”
Conference Presentation
Ashlin Rampul
SAMRC Cardiometabolic disease in the technological era
Digital Technologies, mobile Apps and laboratory data in lab medicine
Conference Presentation
Warren Lowman
S Afr J Infect Dis. 2023;38(1), a498
Research Article
Warren Lowman
Catherine Samuel
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 35 (2023) 93 – 100
Research Article
Carol Massyn
Genetic Testing for Male Infertility
Conference Presentation