Training Academy

Addressing the skill shortage in the pathology sector

In 2023 we celebrate 100 years since the opening of the first laboratory that led to PathCare. It is a significant milestone for our organisation and one well-worth celebrating.


The PathCare Academy was the first centre in South Africa where phlebotomists were trained. We also developed courses for laboratory technicians and laboratory assistants.

It offers evidence of PathCare’s stability, adaptability, sustainability, and resilience; rare qualities in what at times seems to be an increasingly volatile and uncertain world. Tracing our origins back to the first private pathology laboratory in South Africa, gives a sense of pride and achievement. Organisations, like people, are all unique and special in their own way, and PathCare is no exception. Numerous amalgamations, adaptations, and innovations have led to a culture at once both consistent and creative, idealistic yet pragmatic, and stoic yet buoyant. Ever increasing volumes and complexities continue to present challenges to PathCare and the organisation continues to rise to meet them. The global pandemic was the latest test of our fortitude and we have emerged, all 5000+ of us, stronger and more prepared for the whatever the future might bring.

Since its inception in 2006, the Academy has contributed to the broader PathCare family by determinedly building a successful pipeline of professionals to feed into the ever-growing business. The Academy continues to aim to educate and groom individuals to contribute in a manner that supports the PathCare C.A.R.E. values of customer service, accountability, respect and ethics. The Academy adds further evidence of PathCare’s resilience and success through maintaining its extraordinary track records. Students on our flagship programmes have maintained a 98% pass rate on Health Professions Council exams since opening our doors, and with over 93% of our students selected from historically disadvantaged communities across the country, we have contributed to developing a South Africa for all who live in it.

The Academy offers a variety of full-length programmes (varying in duration from three months to two years): Learnerships, certificate programmes, work/study programmes, workplace experience programmes, and internships provide individuals with opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills in professional, technical and support areas of health care. The programmes provide students with a balance of theoretical knowledge gained in classroom situations and practical knowledge gained in real work settings. Qualified professional staff lecture, train and supervise the students. Students pay no tuition fees at the Academy but are rather paid a monthly stipend to work for PathCare under supervision in their chosen field while they learn.

The Academy also continues to offer a large variety of short courses for PathCare staff, and the Academy’s e-learning platform offerings are ever increasing and being tapped into throughout the organisation. The Academy’s Management School has also grown from strength to strength preparing internal managers and leaders for PathCare’s future. Lastly, Scholarships for the children of PathCare employees and Sponsored Studies for permanently employed staff members continue to increase in volume, investment, and variety. The Academy continues to succeed as a result of the commitment, hard work and collaboration of the Academy staff, the students and programme participants themselves, and our colleagues in the broader PathCare organisation.

PathCare at 100 has stood the test of time, has thrived through cycles both benign and adverse, and with a boosted immune system, stands firm both with calm and vitality.


Please find further information on Academy programmes, short courses, and students in the following pages. Adverts and application instructions will be posted on the vacancies page of this web site when we recruit.

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Academy Programmes


In addition to the BHSC degree students at the Academy in Cape Town, the Academy also supports a number of Intern Medical Technologists through distance programmes.

Phlebotomy Technician Learnership

The PathCare Academy offers this programme for the training of Phlebotomy Technicians (Further Education and Training Certificate: Phlebotomy Techniques, NQF level 4).

Programmes for existing Pathcare employees

In addition to our full-length programmes, various short courses in the Academy’s technical expertise, service quality, and business capacity pillars are continuously on offer for existing PathCare staff nationally, in classroom and e-learning formats.

Student Laboratory Assistant Programme

The Academy’s Laboratory Assistant Programme provides for training towards a nationally recognised qualification and career path at PathCare.

Student Medical Laboratory Technician Programme

The Student Medical Laboratory Technician (SMLT) programme is a two-year programme in which suitable candidates from within and outside of PathCare are recruited to undergo training to become Qualified Medical Laboratory Technicians in Clinical Pathology or Histology.

Trainee Data Capturer Programme

The accurate and rapid entering of patient demographics and tests requested by referring doctors is critical to the quality and success of diagnostic pathology.

Trainee Depot Administrator Programme

The Academy first and foremost aims to develop training programmes in support of PathCare’s business objectives and operations.

Adverts and application instructions will be posted on the vacancies page: View vacancy page

Contact Academy for further information: