PathCare, a training laboratory registered with the HPCSA, provides work integrated learning and internships for a number of Biomedical Technology Diploma students in various locations in South Africa, as well as Bachelor of Health Science, Medical Laboratory Science (BHSc:MLS) degree candidates in the Western Cape each year. As part of the new BHSc:MLS degree students are required to complete a six month work integrated learning programme and a one-year clinical practice period in a registered training laboratory before writing a national Board Exam (Medical Laboratory Scientists) set by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and administered through the Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists of South Africa (SMLTSA), during which they write two three-hour exams. The Academy is proud of our close co-operation with the CPUT which has seen PathCare at the forefront of the roll-out of their new degree programme.

In addition to the BHSc degree students at the Academy in Cape Town, the Academy also supports a number of Intern Medical Technologists through distance programmes. Upon completion of a three year course of study in Biomedical Technology at Universities of Technology nationally, students receive a National Diploma in Biomedical Technology. Students are then required to complete a one-year internship in a registered training laboratory before writing a national Board Examination set by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and administered through the SMLTSA. These students in PathCare laboratories in South Africa receive study materials and assignments and practical training guides and support from the Academy.

Selection for the above internship programmes, which commence every December/January, includes pre-interview testing and panel interviews. Successful candidates are paid an allowance during their work-integrated learning, and subsequent clinical practice training / internships. Internships are available in Clinical Pathology (which includes the disciplines of Microbiology, Chemistry and Haematology) and Anatomical Pathology (Histology and Cytology).

PathCare also offers a limited number of opportunities for Medical Biological Scientist Interns. The PathCare Reference Laboratory (PCR unit) in Goodwood is an HPCSA accredited training facility which offers internships through co-operation with the University of Stellenbosch.