Environmental Testing & Infection Control
The PathCare group offers a variety of microbiological tests for the identification and quantification of micro-organisms in food, water, and the environment. Analysis are done in ISO 17025 SANAS accredited testing laboratories according to validated methods.
Current clients include water boards, municipalities, abattoirs, government departments and the agricultural community.
Tests Offered – Microbiological And Environmental Testing
Water Analysis
o Total Coliform count
o E.coli count
o Faecal Coliform count
o Standard Plate count at 37°C & 22°C*
o Faecal Streptococci (marine) count
Food Analysis
o Standard plate / Total viable counts
o Coliform counts
o E. coli counts
o Enterobacteriaceae counts
o S.aureus counts
o Bacillus cereus counts
o Yeast & Mould counts
o Salmonella species detection
o Listeria Monocytogenes detection
Air Settle Plates
o Total Viable counts*
o Yeast & Mould counts*
Single Surface Swabs (hygiene control)
o Total Viable counts
o Total Coliforms* &/or E.coli counts
o Enterobacteriaceae counts
o S.aureus counts
o Salmonella species detection*
o Listeria monocytogenes detection
Hand Swabs
o Total Viable counts
o Total Coliforms* &/or E.coli counts
o Enterobacteriaceae counts
o S.aureus counts
* Non accredited tests
- Standard chemical water analysis is referred to PathCare’s wholly owned subsidiary, Bemlab. For more information on these services provided, refer to their website: www.bemlab.co.za.
- Agricultural analysis, including soil, leaf, fruit, wine, feeds & fertilizers (refer to Bemlab: www.bemlab.co.za).
- Occupational health testing relating to crop farming & food handlers.
- Livestock / Herd Health testing (Pathcare Vetlab: www.pathcarevetlab.co.za).
Our team of professionals with expertise in this field:
For general queries and quotations – PathCare Special Operations
021 596 3587
For Technical Queries – Contact PathCare Environmental Lab in Port Elizabeth:
041 391 5737
Request Forms
Micro Water Request Form
Febraury 2022
Air Request Form
February 2022
Chemical Water Request Form
February 2022
Product Request Form
February 2022
Environmental Consumable Order Form
January 2023